About Power Modules Inc. PMI

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PMI specializes in applying electric heaters and temperature controls to industrial processes. Capabilities include the design, engineering and fabrication of the latest radiant telemetry and Micro-processor-based systems and con高仿普拉達

PMI supplies a complete line of precision components, and provides continuing services such as maintenance and repair, design and consulting related to ongoing support of client process heating needs.

PMI serves numerous domestic and international clients representing a variety of industries – plastics, petrochemical, food processing, healthcare, automotive, metal fabrication, textiles, power transmission, energy management and conservation, packaging, and research and development.

PMI can be instrumental in helping clients to reach their goals of reduced energy use without loss of production efficiency. Many times retrofitting existing machinery can eliminate the need for new equipment by increasing the productivity and reducing the operating cost of equipment already in place..
With 40 years experience in process heating and temperature control systems, PMI has the expertise needed to address the complex issues of energy cost reduction, improved environmental impact, and maintenance of productivity in a challenging business and ecological environment.
We have the tools and training to conduct thorough energy surveys, discover excess consumption instances, and assist in recovery of costs both from improved use of power and utilization of public funds grants available to manufacturers who make the transition to “Green Facilities”
Buy PMI Energy Saving Products That Cost You NOTHING
Following in the energy conservation tradition long established at Power Modules, the Company has identified and become a distributor for several product lines that can be “revenue neutral” achieving a full payback of their initial costs in accumulated energy savings, typically within nine to eleven moths of purchase.
PMI can provide energy survey services, consult on cost reduction strategies, and assist manufacturers in reducing energy costs.. The “ECRS” (Energy Cost Reduction Survey) program can get you community recognition, improve your workplace environment, and best of all, return some “green” to your bottom line at the same time.

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